Forest Poem

Natural Bench at Hidden Rock Park

The weather warmed up a bit and I went out for a walkabout! I only had an hour so didn’t do a lot of wandering. The objective of my walkabout was to jump start some creative energy and do some writing. The county where I live is mostly rural and has few parks. Forests abound and the James River borders the county on the south side…but most of the land is private and not accessible to the commoner…me. A notable exception is Hidden Rock Park, a large park close to the county seat, Goochland. I was the only visitor so I sat on the rock in the image above and tried to craft a poem to match the Zen theme of one of our rooms. Many things came to mind but none stuck. Until 2:00 a.m. this morning, I woke with a haiku in mind. It’s not perfect, but tomorrow is another day.

Quieting colors
warming my heart and my soul
edges fade, time blurs


Rain, Rain…


The Midnight Library